Dr. Santosh Yadav (M.D.)
Consultant Homeopath |
Infertility is the failure of a woman to conceive after trying to do so for at least one full year. It is the diminished ability or the inability to conceive and have offspring.
Infertility is also defined in specific terms as the failure to conceive after a year of regular intercourse without contraception.
Infertility can be due to many causes. Studies have shown that a little more than half of cases of infertility are a result of female conditions. And remaining are caused by sperm disorders and by unexplained factors. |
It is well known that fertility in women decreases with increasing age, as illustrated by the following statistics :
Infertility in married women ages 16-20 = 4.5%
Infertility in married women ages 35-40 = 31.8%
Infertility in married women over the age of 40 = 70% |
Types of Infertility |
Primary infertility : Refers to the condition in which a couple has never been able to conceive.
Secondary infertility : Refers to those cases where a couple has been successful in conceiving at least once, but has been unsuccessful after that. |
Causes of Female Infertility: |
Primary causes:
1.Cessation of oral contraceptives : Many a times hormonal balance does not come back to normal after stopping the pill
2.Ovulation disorders
5.Athletic training
6.Excessive exercise
7.Poor nutrition
8.Hormonal disorders (type of endocrine disorders) affecting ovulation :
9.Pituitary disorder
10.Pituitary gland tumor
11.Thyroid disorder : Either underactive thyroid or overactive thyroid (hypo or hyperthyroid)
12.Adrenal disorder
13.Ovary disorders
14.Ovarian cysts
15.PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
16.Surgical ovary removal
17.Ovary infection
18.Blocked fallopian tubes
19.Scarred fallopian tubes
20.Pelvic inflammatory disease
22.Ectopic pregnancy surgery
23.Tubal ligation : "tied tubes" procedure
25.Uterus conditions
25.Removal of IUD (intrauterine device) : This may take time before things return to normal or sometimes it may not get normal at all
26.Scarred cervix
27.Uterus infection
28.Uterus defects
29.Cervical mucus defects
30.Illness in general : Any disease can reduce fertility.
31.Female infertility as a complication : Other conditions that might have female infertility as a complications are :
a)Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
b)Lead poisoning
e)Turner Syndrome |
How the Cause of Infertility is Diagnosed |
1.Note height, weight and BMI. It may be of significance in the man and of great significance in the woman. A BMI below 20 may suggest anovulation as in anorexia nervosa. A BMI above 29 is associated with decreased fertility.
2.There may be polycystic ovary disease (PCOD). Look for signs of hirsutism; facial hair may be more than normal, although this should be interpreted in the light of racial norms.
3.Acne may also indicate high androgen levels.
4.There may be a hint of male pattern alopecia with slight bitemporal recession. The pubic hairline may extend up towards the umbilicus in a typical male pattern.
5.Examination of the cardiovascular or respiratory system is unlikely to be rewarding as is examining the breasts for galactorrhoea unless indicated by history.
6.Abdominal examination should be performed and it must precede bimanual pelvic examination or it is very easy to miss a large mass like a big ovarian cyst.
7.Gynaecological examination, especially vaginal examination, may indicate undisclosed sexual difficulties. For example her response may suggest vaginismus and you may even find an intact hymen. An unusually large clitoris would suggest excessive androgen activity, but this is more likely to be a long standing condition such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This will probably be in a mild form, as it is presenting so late. Bimanual examination; may find an adnexal mass from an ovary of tubo-ovarian mass or tenderness suggesting PID or endometriosis. Uterine fibroids can distort the uterus and interfere with implantation. |
Investigations |
1.Mid-luteal progesterone level to assess ovulation. If low it may need repeating as ovulation does not occur every month. The blood test is taken 7 days before the anticipated period, that is on day 21 of a 28 days cycle but this day will need to be adjusted for different lengths of cycle.
2.Basal body temperature charts are not recommended as they are unreliable.
3.FSH and LH should be measured, especially if there is menstrual irregularity. High levels may suggest poor ovarian function. A comparatively high LH relative to FSH is typical of polycystic ovary disease.
4.The thyroid function tests a should only be undertaken if there are grounds for suspicion as infertile women are no more likely to have thyroid disease than the rest of the population.
5.Similarly, prolactin (PRL) should only be measured where there is clinical suspicion.
6.Chlamydia screening is recommended. Not only may it be a cause of infertility but instrumentation of the genital tract in subsequent investigations may produce PID.
(B)Hysterosalpingography :
This is an x-ray of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Doctors inject a special dye into the uterus through the vagina. This dye shows up in the x-ray. Doctors can then watch to see if the dye moves freely through the uterus and fallopian tubes. This can help them find physical blocks that may be causing infertility. Blocks in the system can keep the egg from moving from the fallopian tube to the uterus. A block could also keep the sperm from reaching the egg.
(C)Laparoscopy :
A minor surgery to see inside the abdomen. The doctor does this with a small tool with a light called a laparoscope. She or he makes a small cut in the lower abdomen and inserts the laparoscope. With the laparoscope, the doctor can check the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus for disease and physical problems. Doctors can usually find scarring and endometriosis by laparoscopy. |
Diet in Female Infertility |
Diet is an important factor in the treatment of infertility. It should contain seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits. These foods should be supplemented with milk, vegetable oils, and honey. Curd and cottage cheese are also recommended.
About seventy to eighty per cent of the diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked state, because cooking destroys much of the nutritional value of most foods. Sprouting is an excellent way of consuming seeds, beans, and grains in their raw form, as in the process of sprouting, the nutritional value is multiplied, new vitamins are created and the protein quality is improved. |
Homeopathic Treatment of Infertility in Females |
In the conventional or allopathic treatment of female infertility the HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is the first choice of treatment which includes :
Clomiphene citrate (Clomid) : This medicine causes ovulation by acting on the pituitary gland. It is often used in women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS or PCOD) or other problems with ovulation. This medicine is taken by mouth.
Human menopausal gonadotropin or HMG (Repronex, Pergonal) : This medicine is often used for women who don't ovulate due to problems with their pituitary gland. HMG acts directly on the ovaries to stimulate ovulation. It is an injected medicine.
Follicle stimulating hormone or FSH : FSH works much like HMG. It causes the ovaries to begin the process of ovulation. These medicines are usually injected.
Gonadotropin releasing hormone analog : These medicines are often used for women who don't ovulate regularly each month. Women who ovulate before the egg is ready can also use these medicines. Gn-RH analogs act on the pituitary gland to change when the body ovulates. These medicines are usually injected or given with a nasal spray.
Metformin (Glucophage) : Doctors use this medicine for women who have insulin resistance and / or PCOS. This drug helps lower the high levels of male hormones in women with these conditions. This helps the body to ovulate. Sometimes clomiphene citrate or FSH is combined with metformin. This medicine is usually taken by mouth.
Bromocriptine (Parlodel) : This medicine is used for women with ovulation problems due to high levels of prolactin. Prolactin is a hormone that causes milk production.
The above mentioned hormonal tablets have lot if side effects. Few of them are listed below :
Mood swings
Weight gain
Disturbed menstrual cycles
Abnormal hair growth
Visual disturbances
Breathing troubles associated with HMG
Ascites associated with HMG
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) : HCG is a hormone that is typically produced in a pregnant woman's placenta. It helps to maintain the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone and estrogen in order to maintain the first trimester of pregnancy. It is often sold under the brand names Profasi and Pregnyl. Side effects of HCG include :
Water retention
Sore breasts
Abdominal discomfort
So in the conventional of allopathic treatment of female infertility the various hormonal preparations (HRT) are given whereas homeopathic remedies or medicines are prescribed by symptoms rather than conditions, as each case of a particular illness can manifest differently in different people. |
Action of homeopathic medicines or treatment on the hormonal disorders |
The various hormonal
disorders like PCOS, thyroid disorders, prolactin hormone abnormality and so on can be effectively treated with homeopathy.
During homeopathic treatment to restore fertility many aspects of your menstrual cycle are taken into consideration; for example the lengths of your cycle is very important, the type of menstrual bleeding (bright red, clotted), the premenstrual discomforts like cravings, headaches, lower back pain, pelvic pain and so on. The mental and emotional changes that women experience during the premenstrual period should are investigated by a homeopathic doctor to help deal with hormonal fluctuations and imbalances.
Homeopathic medicines can help restore fertility when followed in conjunction with a healthy diet low in animal fats and high in fiber from legumes, fruits and vegetables.
Homeopathic treatment or remedies act on the glands and naturally restore the normal functioning of the affected gland. A well selected homeopathic medicine has the capability to correct hormonal imbalance stimulating the glands to secrete various hormones as required for the normal functioning.
Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body's own immune system to stimulate the various glands to work normally.
In the allopathy or conventional treatment the hormones are given in the form of pills, injections whereas in homeopathy no such hormones are given and natural medicines work by stimulating the glands to produce the required amount of hormones thus curing the problem from the root and ensuring the patient not to suffer from the similar problems in future.
Women trying to conceive often have clinical depression rates similar to women who have heart disease or cancer. Infertility may have profound psychological effects. In many cultures, inability to conceive bears a stigma. In closed social groups, a degree of rejection may cause considerable anxiety and disappointment. But thank god and Dr. Hahnemann (founder of homeopathy) there is homeopathy to save you from all this loss.
Various infections preventing conception and miraculous homeopathy in contrast with allopathy
The various infections like PID (pelvic inflammatory diseases, ovarian infections, tubal abscesses and so on are one of the major factors of infertility. In conventional or allopathic treatment various antibiotics and anti inflammatory medicines are given which have serious side effects like abdominal discomfort, fatigue, loss of appetite, reduced immunity and so on.
Homeopathy on the other hand is really safe for such infections. Homeopathic medicines boost up the immune system of the body. Homeopathy remedies work as powerful anti inflammatory medicines which help in treating the infection from the root.
Research shows that homeopathy offers effective treatment for female infertility, which has been scientifically documented. Homeopathy is very safe and can be combined with the conventional treatment / allopathic treatment if required.
Surgical conditions related to infertility and homeopathy “a boon” in such conditions
The various conditions like fibroids, cysts, hyperprolactanemia, cushin’s syndrome and so on require surgery in the conventional or allopathy treatment. Recurrences are common even after surgery. Homeopathy is a boon for such patients as these surgical conditions can be solved with the magical doses of homeopathic medicines.
Each individual case is properly taken and analyzed to select the best homeopathic medicine for a particular case. Timely administration of the homeopathic medicines help avoid surgery and prevent the complications. Homeopathic treatment or mediciens can save you from a surgeon's knife.
Marital discord often develops in infertile couples, especially when they are under pressure to make medical decisions. Homeopathy is there to keep you away from taking such dangerous decisions.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
Artificial insemination .
Semen concentration methods : used with artificial insemination if low sperm counts.
Donor insemination : uses a male semen donor; complex emotional and legal issues.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) : the "test tube baby" technology.
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) : placement of an egg with sperm in fallopian tubes; used when female's tubes are normal.
Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) : a combination of IVF and GIFT; transfer of a single cell zygote.
Pronuclear stage transfer (PROST) : early stage transfer of the sperm and ovum before a fully formed gamete has occurred.
Tubal embryo stage transfer (TEST) : similar to ZIFT but transferring a multi-cell embryo (2-call, 4-cell, 8-cell).
Micro injection fallopian transfer (MIF) : microscopic injection of a sperm into an ovum and transfer to fallopian tubes. Useful for low sperm counts.
Donor egg IVF : use of a donor female ovum with IVF (or any type of ART).
Frozen embryos.
All the above mentioned techniques are very costly and are out of the reach of a common man. There is a cheaper and safer alternative “homeopathy”.
There are 110 homoeopathy medicines which give great results in infertility in females. However, the correct choice and the resulting success is a matter of experience and right judgment on the part of the homeopathy doctor. The treatment is decided after thorough case taking of the patient. Thus homeopathic remedies of female infertility are designer made unlike allopathy in which all patients receive the same surgery or drugs although trade name may be different. |