The term lichen planus is derived from 2 words - lichen and planus. Lichen refers to a tree moss while planus is latin for flat. Thus the literal meaning of lichen planus is like a flat tree moss. Lichen planus is a very common skin disorder but it is a very dangerous skin condition. There is recurrent rash that is due to inflammation. This rash can be very itchy and stubborn. The rash is characterized by small. flat-topped, many-sided bumps that can grow together into rough, scaly patches on the skin. |
Lichen planus usually involves the wrists, ankles, genitals and mouth but can affect any part of the body. It may cause a small number of skin lesions or less often affect a wide area of the skin and mucous membranes. |
Lichen planus occurs most often in men and women between the ages 30 and 70 years. It is uncommon in very young and elderly. All racial groups seem susceptible to lichen planus.
Does lichen planus spread by touch? Is it contagious?
Lichen planus is not caused by germs, bacteria, virus or fungus. So, it does not spread by touch, sharing utensils or physical contact. |
What lichen planus is not? |
To understand what lichen planus is, it is important to note what the disease is not.Lichen planus is not an infectious disease. It is impossible to catch lichen planus from someone or to give it to someone else. The disease is not a form of cancer, it does not appear to be inherited, and it is not related to nutrition. |
Causes of Lichen Planus |
1.The exact cause is unknown, but lichen planus is likely to be related to an allergic or immune reaction.
2.Lichen planus has been known to develop after exposure to potential allergens such as medications, dyes, and other chemical substances.
3.Symptoms are increased with emotional stress, possibly because of changes in immune system during stress. Stress has great bearing to lichen planus.
4.Chemicals or medications associated with development of lichen planus include gold (used to treat rheumatoid arthritis), antibiotics, arsenic, iodides, chloroquinone, quinacrine, quindine, antimony, phenothiazines, diuretics such as chlorothiazide, and many others.
5.Lichen planus may be associated with several other disorders, most notably hepatitis C. |
Symptoms of Lichen Planus |
Itching in lesion - may be mild to severe.
Lichen planus of the skin
Lichen planus of the skin is characterized by reddish-purple, flat-topped bumps that may be very itchy. Some may have a white lacy appearacne called Wickham's striae.
They can be anywhere on the body, but seem to favor the inside of the wrists and ankles. Lichen planus can also occur on the lower back, neck, legs, genitals, and in rare cases, the scalp and nails. Lichen planus on legs is usually darker in appearance.
There may be thick patches especially on the shins. Blisters are rare except in special cases. While the typical appearance of lichen planus makes the disease somewhat easy to identify, a skin biopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Lichen planus of the skin causes severe itching. As it heals, lichin planus often leaves a dark brown discoloration on the skin. These stains may eventually fade with time and treatment. |
Lichen planus of the mouth |
Lichen planus of the mouth most commonly occurs inside of cheeks, but can affect the tongue, lips, and gums. Oral lichen planus is more difficult to treat. About 1 in 5 people who have oral lichen planus also have skin lichen planus.
Oral lichen planus typically appears as patches of fine white lines and dots. More severe forms of oral lichen planus can cause painful sores and ulcers in the mouth. A biopsy of affected tissue may be needed to confirm a diagnosis.
Patients with oral lichen planus may be at a slightly increased risk of developing oral cancer. Because of this increased risk, it is wise to discontinue the use of alcohol and tobaccco products, which also increase the risk. Regular visits to the doctor for an oral cancer screening is recommended. |
Lichen planus of the genitals |
Lichen planus of the genitals is less common in men than women. About 1 in 5 women have vulvar or vaginal lichen planus. It may cause red areas or open sores causing pain, especially with sexual intercourse. |
Nail involvement |
Nail changes have been observed in lichen planus. The majority of nail changes result from damage to the nail matrix, or nail root. Nail changes can occur with or without skin involvement.
Nail changes associated with lichen planus include longitudinal ridging and grooving, splitting, nail thinning, and nail loss. In severe cases, the nail may be temporarily or permanently destroyed. |
Scalp involvement |
Lichen planus can affect hairy areas such as the scalp in rare cases. This is called lichen planopilaris, and can lead to redness, irritation, and in some cases, permanent hair loss. |
How is Lichen Planus Diagnosed? |
Usually, lichen planus is relatively straight forward to diagnose. Physicians can make the diagnosis in typical cases simply by looking at the rash. If necessary, a skin biopsy may be done to help confirm the diagnosis. Persistent oral or vaginal lichen planus, with spots that thicken and grow together, can sometimes be difficult to distinguish clinically from whitish precancerous plaques called leukoplakia. A biopsy can be helpful in this situation.
Widespread lichen planus with erosions in the mouth can also be confusing. A biopsy may be required to distinguish this from other conditions such as candidiasis (yeast infection), carcinoma (cancer), and ulcers in the mouth (aphthous ulcers). |
Homeopathic Treatment of Lichen Planus |
The goal of treatment is to reduce your symptoms and speed up the healing of the skin lesions due to lichen planus.
Patient's awareness about this fact and active cooperation helps us to overcome the crisis and treat the disease. Use of cortisone makes the lichen planus more resistant. Cortisone can even increase lichen planus in some cases.
The homeopathic way of treatment
Homeopathy offers research proven and highly effective treatment for lichen planus which has been scientifically documented. Contrary to the allopathic treatment which is governed by the use of cortison or steroids, homeopathic treatment for lichen planus is extremely curative, safe and long lasting.The homeopathic treatment for lichen planus is based on the individual case study of the patient's disease, its causes, its spread, the area affected, the genetic pattern, mindset and so on. The medicines thus designed are addressed towards correcting the immunity.
During the course of homeopathy treatment of any disease in which cortisone in any form is being used, the major challenge is to handle the period of cortisone or steroid withdrawl. Slowly the homeopathic remedies take control of the situation and the steroids are tapered off. This may take time. The amount of time it takes to overcome steroid or cortisone withdrawl syndrome depends on the following : amount of cortisone or steroid used, duration of cortisone or steroid use, severity of disease, duration of the disease. |
The duration of homeopathic treatment for lichen planus varies from case to case depending on the following factors: |
Duration of lichen planus.
Area affected (skin, mouth, genitals, nails, scalp).
Extent of spread (only skin or only mouth or skin with mouth and so on).
General health and associated diseases.
Lichen planus is a chronic disease, will require a long and planned treatment. There is no short cut. |
Why homeopathy for lichen planus |
It offers excellent treatment which has a success rate of over 85%.
It corrects the altered immune system hence gives deep level healing.
It offers long lasting cure.
It is absolutely harmless, safe and non-toxic.
There are many homoeopathy remedies which give great relief in lichen planus. However, the correct choice and the resulting relief is a matter of great experience and right judgment on the part of the homeopathy doctor. The treatment is decided after thorough case taking of the patient. Thus homeopathic medicines of lichen planus are specially designed for a particular patient unlike allopathy. |