Anal Fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anal canal. Common in infants ages 6 to 24 months, anal fissures are less likely to develop in older children. Adults may develop anal fissures as a result of passing hard or large stools during bowel movements. Anal fissures may cause pain and bleeding. More than 90 percent heal on their own, and one can use topical creams or suppositories to provide relief as they heal. |
Anal fissures that fail to heal may become chronic and cause considerable discomfort. If we develop an anal fissure that fails to heal, surgery may relieve the discomfort. The main signs and symptoms of an anal fissure include pain or burning during bowel movements that eases until the next bowel movement, bright red blood on the outside of the stool or on toilet paper or wipes after a bowel movement and itching or irritation around the anus.
The most common cause of anal fissures is large or hard stool passing through the anal canal during bowel movements.
Other causes include constipation and straining during bowel movements, inflammation of the anorectal area, such as is caused by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and anal sex (rarely).
We may be able to prevent an anal fissure by taking measures to prevent constipation. Eat high-fiber foods, drink fluids and exercise regularly to keep from having to strain during bowel movements.
We may be able to prevent an anal fissure by taking measures to prevent constipation. Eat high-fiber foods, drink fluids and exercise regularly to keep from having to strain during bowel movements.
The following lifestyle changes may help relieve discomfort and promote healing of an anal fissure, as well as prevent recurrences:
Add fiber to the diet.
Drink adequate fluids.
Exercise regularly.
Take a sitz bath.
Avoid straining during bowel movements. |
Role of Homeopathy in Anal Fissures: |
Homeopathy can help in healing of chronic fissures and control pain and bleeding. Homeopathy can prevent recurrent complains of anal fissures. Homeopathy can prevent the need for surgery by reliving complains of anal fissures effectively. The improvement in anal fissures is mainly brought by regularizing the bowel movements and improving the digestion. Constitutional homeopathic treatment helps in improving digestion and relives constipation. This helps directly in the improvement of recurrent anal fissures. |